So, one more week remains in student teaching, it is remarkable to me how normal and routine student teaching feels now as compared to the start of this semester. At the start of this semester, the idea of teaching all day was frightening and hard to comprehend. Now, even after full-time teaching is over it's hard to think of those times and remember how ridiculous it seemed to go all day, every day, to student teaching and to eventually be completely in charge of a classroom. Now, after I am finished with my teaching, (this week I'm just observing and assisting), it feels strange to not teach and to not be in charge of what is happening in the classroom. I suppose that is the point of student teaching though, to take students with small amounts of experience in the classroom and give them a whole load more of experience while also mimicking what having a real job will be like in the future.
This week was a really good week of student teaching. Each morning I observed in a different classroom or a few classrooms, then, in the afternoon I taught math and literacy, so it was a nice transition out of full time teaching while also a great opportunity to see other classrooms and other styles of teaching. On Monday I was able to go to the other two third grade classrooms so that I could compare how my class did things compared to these classes. There were quite a few differences even though we teach almost exactly the same content. So it was interesting to see how these different learning styles worked and looked differently from teacher to teacher and classroom to classroom. I definitely found some things that I liked, especially some classroom management techniques, while also some things that I did not like, also classroom management techniques. One thing that I observed in each classroom relatively easily was the atmosphere of the room. One of the other third grades had a very almost stagnant and sleepy feel to it. There was almost no noise in the classroom and even though the room was the same shape as my own classroom, it felt very empty and almost dark, it was not a good feeling. The other third grade had a good feeling about it, but I still think that my classroom has the best atmosphere and the best feeling about it :). Tuesday I observed in first grade, the first time I have ever worked with first graders. This classroom was crazy, some would possibly describe it as chaos. The teacher did a good job and I think she was an effective teacher, but wow, what a morning that was. This observation helped me to decide that I don't think I will attempt to be a 1st grade teacher! Wednesday the school needed me to be a paraprofessional in the morning for one of our students with special needs because the normal para was out sick. This was an interesting experience and allowed me to see a little of what the life of a paraprofessional is like. It was fun to work with this student, but I did not like that I couldn't really help out in instruction at all as the paraprofessional, especially after I was so used to teaching all of the time.
Thursday I observed in a second grade class and I loved it! The teacher is a man and it was great to see another man teach younger students. His classroom management style was super and definitely what I hope to emulate when I teach. It was a really great experience for me to see how he taught and how a male teacher can really thrive teaching younger students. I think that it was helpful to see how he interacted and taught students differently than many female teachers do and I really saw a lot in how he taught about respect in the classroom and a solid work ethic that I really hope to also teach to my future students, so this was definitely my favorite observation time.
Friday I observed my own cooperating teacher and just watched more closely how she taught after not seeing her teach for a few weeks. It was interesting to see how the students reacted differently to how she taught compared to when I teach, that was something that I did not expect, but it made sense as well just based off of our different teaching styles.
I was really pleased with this week and I look forward to the coming week where I will be able to more observing and spend a final weeks with my students. Now of course comes the tough part of student teaching as well, the job search. I have been applying for months already and have submitted probably about 40-50 job applications, if not more. I am worried in a way about not finding a job but I think that that is also a pretty normal worry for seniors about to graduate! I can't wait to start interviewing and at least making some progress in this job search!